What Business Problem Do I Solve?
Last Friday while attending a presentation given by a fellow speaker, I realized I had incorrectly identified the problem I my business solves. Kind of ironic given the name of my business is Promethean Problem Solvers.
Until the other day, I’d been telling people that I help businesses to improve team, client, and supplier collaboration.
But is it possible that better team collaboration saves time and money?
Bringing New Solutions to Market is Too Expensive and Takes Too Long?
The fact is lack of collaboration isn’t keeping business executives and program managers up at night. It’s that it is too expensive and takes too long to go from IDEA to IMPLEMENTATION. So how do you speed things up and make it less costly?
A Faster and Cheaper Path from Idea to Implementation
Is Agile the answer? Waterfall? Or maybe the answer is to bring in a Lean Black Belt. Look, I spent 35 years leading solution development efforts in business and technology. And I can tell you that my teams completed projects more quickly and at lower cost not because we followed a certain methodology. It didn’t happen because we had the best talent, although we did. It didn’t even happen because we had the deepest pockets. Projects finished more successfully and more quickly when the team collaborated more effectively.
Better Team Collaboration Saves Time and Money
So if you’re thinking that collaboration is a squishy soft skill not worthy of your training dollars, think again.
Let me give you a couple examples.
In the first, my team is called on to migrate funds management platforms for a large financial firm. The previous teams couldn’t get the job done over seven years and they were approaching a contract deadline. I came in, applied my 3 Cs Collaboration framework, and we finished both projects inside of a year and a half. The difference? Better team collaboration.
In another case, I led an effort to reclaim unused hardware across the globe for one of the world’s premier banks. The effort spanned 7 or maybe 8 lines of business and tens of thousands of stakeholders. All project KPIs and tracking was done on a spreadsheet. Mind you it a very sophisticated spreadsheet. But still a spreadsheet. The savings realized across the firm over two years? $55 Million dollars annually!
Teresa’s 3 Cs of Collaboration Saves Time and Money
Now, I think I was expected to fail with this last one. But I knew my 3 Cs Collaboration framework scaled and was agnostic to software or hardware or business or technical solutions development. Nor did it matter whether agile, waterfall, or some other hybrid methodology was employed. The difference was that a geographically dispersed team consistently applying my 3 Cs Collaboration Framework from idea to implementation.
Want to learn more about how you can harness team collaboration at scale to drive down project cost and shorten the time from idea to implementation for your business? Let’s talk.
Bring the 3 Cs of Collaboration to Your Organization
Teresa shares her 3 Cs of Collaboration Framework with businesses and associations in her one-of-a-kind Immersive Rock ‘n’ Roll Keynote Experience and ROCKshops. Find out more at teresaharlow.com/Speaking or Watch the YouTube Video about them here. Informative. Fun. And proven! Besides, who doesn’t want to be part of a rock band for a day?