Turbocharge Teamwork & Accelerate Results - Like a Rock Star!
“Teresa Harlow brought the energy with her 3 Cs of Collaboration Immersive Rock ‘n’ Roll Experience. The room was engaged, laughing, and rocking it out!”
—Erin Ressa, Key Bank, Key4Women Co-Chair
“Teresa connected with our members in a way that truly moved them. Using stories and her unique brand of interaction, Teresa combined valuable information, humor, passion, and audience engagement to create a memorable experience.”
—Stacey R. Rose, Executive Director, ADR Institute of British Columbia

Business efforts involve products (or services), processes, and people. And if the people aren’t playing well together, you’re getting nowhere fast! Teamwork and collaboration are the keys to producing results while creating a happier workforce.
With this in mind, shouldn’t investing in your team’s collaboration skills be a top priority? Bring Teresa’s collaboration expertise into your organization.
AND let’s do it in a FUN and INTERACTIVE way!
Ready to get results? Then let’s roll!
Bring products and services to market faster and while improving team morale!
With a background in performing arts coupled with an impressive 35-year track record in enterprise Program Management and Technology, Teresa shares the secrets of her success turning chaos into collaboration and collaboration into results
Current Speaker Offerings
- Collaborate Like A Rock Star immersive keynote
- 3 Cs of Collaboration ROCKShop
- Team Optimization Program (TOP) Tailored Business Solution- Contact Teresa for details
Rock Band Style Business Collaboration
“Teresa Harlow brought the energy and set the bar high with her 3 Cs of Collaborations Immersive Rock ‘n’ Roll Keynote Experience. I highly recommend Teresa if you’re looking for a fun way to engage your team.”
—Katie, Key Bank
“This session provided invaluable insights into the importance of the 3 Cs in building a successful business and team. Teresa Harlow’s message was a powerful reminder of the synergy between civility, caring, & communication.”
—Lucienne Thomas Jawo, Financial Consultant, Now Matters
I REALLY enjoyed Teresa and her collaboration training event! It really hit home with me. I’ve been doing the same work for over 30 years and my tolerance level has dwindled. Teresa helped me realize, in a fun interactive way, that that is no excuse. I was surrounded by so many others who also really enjoyed Teresa and her training.
—Cathy Harper Lee, Founder, Ohio Crime Victim Justice Center
Collaborate Like a Rock Star!
Immersive Keynote
Great for: Trade Associations, Technology Organizations, Leadership Conferences, Customer Care Organizations, HR Professionals, Educators, Business Owners, Sales Organizations, Consulting Firms
Music is the most collaborative artform. Even the most gifted musicians, can’t make good music if they don’t play well together.
Likewise, in business, if people cannot work together effectively, they will not produce great results. The work takes longer, costs soar, and morale dips.
Collaboration is key, whether you’re crafting melodies or solving business problems.
Using the power of music, Teresa created the Collaborate Like a Rock Star keynote to showcase key elements of Collaboration—Civility, Caring, and Communication.
During this interactive experience, participants learn actionable strategies to instantly elevate team performance while forming a giant rock band.
At the end, everyone unites to rock out to a popular stadium anthem.
NOTE: This keynote is even more impactful when paired with the follow-up 3 Cs of Collaboration ROCKShop!
What The Audience Will Leave With
- The Musical Score for the 3 Cs of Collaboration: Civility, Communication, and Caring
- The Collaborative Behavior Playlist
- A template for participants to compose their personal 3 Cs of Collaboration Masterpiece
- The joy of playing music with their colleagues while gaining valuable insights
Don’t worry. No one is forced to hop up on stage or do a solo. But those who want to may be offered the spotlight.
- Solve business problems faster
- Improve teamwork and communications
- Reduce workplace disputes, burnout, and turnover
Duration: 60 Minutes
“Thank you Teresa! A great capstone to our core training.”

3 Cs of Collaboration “ROCKshop”
Because workshops are boring but ROCKshops are FUN!
Great for: Technology Teams, Leadership Training, Operations Managers, Educator Training, Consulting Firms, Sales Teams
Description: Toxic communications can destroy relationships and derail business efforts. What are you doing to ensure your teams know how to prevent or diffuse hostility and move from combative to collaborative when tensions flare?
During this interactive workshop ROCKshop, Teresa helps your group to identify the specific challenges which are holding them back and work through the musical exercise to gain an understanding of how they can leverage the 3 Cs of Collaboration to resolve their specific issues.
Continuing to use the rock band as her inspiration, Teresa provides every attendee with a childhood music instrument. But this time, rather than everyone learning the same song, the group is broken into smaller ensembles to use the 3 Cs to solve a specific team collaboration challenge.
The ROCKshop peaks with each ensemble naming their band, and learning to play a song together from a list of popular stadium anthems. Those who wish to are invited to perform their song for the entire audience.
What The Audience Will Leave With
- The 3 Cs of Collaboration Musical Score
- A plan, leveraging the 3 Cs Playlist, to address the challenges identified by participants during the session
- One-of-a-kind memories of forming a rock band and playing music with colleagues
Duration: 2 – 4 hours customized to client’s needs and team size

- Resolve interpersonal conflicts within and across teams
- Improve team collaboration, work productivity and quality
- Increase employee satisfaction and reduce turnover
- Restore, retain, and strengthen key business relationships
“Teresa offers a fresh approach to those struggling with combative relationships. I am glad I was able to offer her valuable and engaging presentation to my clients.”
“NAWBO Columbus attendees rated Teresa’s speaker quality and content as excellent.”
Let's Chat
Need help overcoming obstacles and getting better business results from your teams? Or maybe you need help with a difficult co-parenting or family relationship. Send Teresa a message or give her a call to find out how she can help. We’d love to hear from you!