Co-parenting Help
Reduce, Diffuse, & Redirect Co-parenting Conflict
Private Co-parent Coaching | Group Co-parent Coaching | Online Sessions
After you divorce or separate from your child’s other parent, your parenting journey continues. Some find it easy. Some find it hard. And some find it impossible. Regardless of whether you like it or not, you will be co-parenting with this person for the rest of your life. Would you like to make that journey easier? Would you like to be a better parent to your children following divorce?
I’ve been a co-parent for over 20 years and a stepparent for more than 15 years. It wasn’t always easy. It took intention and a maniacal focus on what is important. For me, that was to be a good parent. No one else could do that for me. But I did not believe this had to come at the sacrifice of my personal happiness. So I set out to solve that problem. As a result, I came up with the 3 Cs of Collaborative Co-parenting—Civility, Communication, and Caring. These 3 Cs make up the foundation of my co-parent coaching approach.
If you’d like help with your co-parenting journey, take a look below at how I can help you. If you want to know more about my co-parenting coaching, schedule a free consultation and let’s talk.
Get Help Creating Your Parenting Plan
After you and your child’s other parent split, your relationship as co-parents lives on. How well that works out is up to both of you. Establishing a parenting plan can provide you with a blueprint for success, but it can be a very emotional process leaving you vulnerable to missing key items or getting bogged down in disagreements.
Help is available! Get help creating your co-parenting plan (a.k.a. parenting plan, shared parenting agreement, or custody agreement).
Teresa will virtually coach you together or separately through the process to ensure that everything is covered and all concerns are resolved. When you’re done creating or updating your co-parenting plan, you’ll have a foundation upon which to build a collaborative co-parenting relationship.
In the U.S., most states require a co-parenting plan, parenting plan, shared parenting agreement, or custody agreement when parents legally separate or divorce. Click below to learn more.
Co-parenting Conflict Resolution Coaching
Having a hard time getting on the same page with your co-parent? Tired of fighting? Teresa will help you to reset your co-parenting relationship, bring peace to your interactions, and reclaim your happiness. Most of all, Teresa will help you to be the best parent you can be to your child. Resolve co-parenting conflicts starting today.
The Co-parenting Course Correction is a great solution not just for co-parents but stepparents and extended family members having trouble adjusting to changing family dynamics. Whether your conflict is recent or decades old, it is never too late to improve a difficult relationship. Teresa has personally lived this journey and will walk this path with you.
Is your co-parent unwilling to play ball? That does not mean your helpless or have to remain a victim. With Teresa as your co-parenting coach, you will learn how to avoid the behaviors that trigger conflict in the first place, diffuse the incoming conflict bombs thrown at you by a co-parent, and redirect arguments to more productive interactions.
Sound impossible? Click below to find out more.
Let's Chat
Need help overcoming obstacles and getting better business results from your teams? Or maybe you need help with a difficult co-parenting or family relationship. Send Teresa a message or give her a call to find out how she can help. We’d love to hear from you!