January is International Child-Centered Divorce Month and you still have time to grab a ton of free gifts from divorce, parenting, and other professionals world-wide at a special website available through January 31.
Enter your email address at https://www.divorcedparentsupport.com to get instant access.
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Co-Parents of School-Aged Kids Must Communicate
School systems are not set up to handle divorced parents. It is up to co-parents to share information. It is particularly incumbent upon the residential parent to make this happen. Communication and sharing information about your child with the other parent is not only kind but helps your child’s other parent to be the kind of parent you want them to be.
Leaving Corporate America for Full-time Creative Venture
Have I lost my mind? I’m happy to share with all of you that as of today, I am a full-time author, speaker, and all-around co-parenting advocate. My last day with JP Morgan Chase was August 30th. I’m so grateful for my Chase experience. It taught me that I am capable...
Celebrating High School Graduation as Co-parents
Throughout Ian’s senior year of high school, Bob and I attended marching band concerts, rock-band performances, and senior banquets with our new partners, with grandparents, and all of us always sitting together. So when it came to celebrating graduation, why wouldn’t we plan one big party?
The Ex’s Perspective on Happily Divorced
In his foreword, Bob talks about how me writing this book actually challenged the very foundation of our relationship as co-parents and friends.
Welcome to HappilyDivorcedBook.com
At HappilyDivorcedBook.com I’ll share with you chapters from my book, interviews I’ve given, and insights on co-parenting that I stumble upon along the way. If you are a co-parent, a child of divorce, or a family member navigating a co-parenting, step-family, or blended family relationship, I’d love to hear your story too. Was your experience good or bad? What odd circumstances did you find yourself in and how did you come through it? What do you struggle with on these fronts?
The Journey of Co-parenting and Divorces
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