Free help for divorced parents, single parents, stepparents, and blended families during Child-Centered Divorce Month!

Free help for divorced parents, single parents, stepparents, and blended families during Child-Centered Divorce Month!
Your ex-spouse’s financial standing influences the choices you have when it comes to your children. This is why co-parent financial planning is so important. Read on to learn how to set yourself up for less conflict down the road
In this article, learn about four tips for celebrating birthdays as co-parents which will help you enjoy the process and create great childhood memories for your kids.
Today, co-parents have a number of options to explore when it comes to where they and their children will live post-breakup. In this article, we take a look at the five options to help you decide which co-parent living arrangement is right for you.
Visit the Collaborative Co-parenting Community at to ask questions and share your struggles and triumphs.
School systems are not set up to handle divorced parents. It is up to co-parents to share information. It is particularly incumbent upon the residential parent to make this happen. Communication and sharing information about your child with the other parent is not only kind but helps your child’s other parent to be the kind of parent you want them to be.
Have I lost my mind? I’m happy to share with all of you that as of today, I am a full-time author, speaker, and all-around co-parenting advocate. My last day with JP Morgan Chase was August 30th. I’m so grateful for my Chase experience. It taught me that I am capable...
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